We are now accepting applications for the SHEStems Scholarship Awards for the academic year 2024-2025.
Must be a regular penultimate student enrolled in STEM degree programs of the University of the Philippines Systemwide;
Must have obtained a general weighted average of at least β1.75β with no grade of β5.00β or unremoved β4.00β or βincβ;
Must not be a recipient of any scholarship grant;
Must be enrolled in at least 15 units at the time of the award of the grant;
Must submit a 300 word essay explaining β Why you are deserving of the award?β;
Parentsβ annual gross income must not exceed P500,000; and
Must not have been held liable in any disciplinary action.
Monthly Stipend β P11,000
BOOK ALLOWANCE β P5,000 per month
DEADLINE of Applications: March 10, 2024
1. Read the Scholarship Primer (https://bit.ly/ScholarshipPrimerAY23-24) for scholarship openings, qualifications, and benefits.
2. Fill out the application form at https://bit.ly/SheStems-Scholarship-Award-Application-Form
1. Before answering the form, please prepare the necessary documents required by the scholarship you are applying for (2x2 Photo I.D., Certificate of Year Level Standing, 300 word essay why you are deserving of the award, form 5, TCG, certificate of good moral character [OSE clearance for UP Diliman, OSA clearance for other CUs], etc.)
2. We encourage you to use your UP e-mail address when you answer the form. We will use this to contact you.
For other questions and concerns, kindly message our page or send us an e-mail at osgscholarship.upd@up.edu.ph